My hearing is famously poor. Yesterday driving for morning coffee the NPR announcer came on and began reciting the "This program brought to you by..." laundry list. She got to a language education company and I heard:
"And for fluency in a new tongue, try Pimps Learn Language, the software that let's you learn at your own speed--"
I do a "Say what--?!" take. Blair asks, "What's wrong?"
I tell her.
Exasperated (this happens all the time), she corrects me, "They said Pimsler Language--Pimsler Language!!"
"Not, Pimps Learn Language?"
"We really need to have your ears checked...."
(From Broken Star--I'm going to do a better job on him--you won't believe who this actor is)
Returning to the Horror Flash Fiction Book.
Going to try and do one a day in this style until all the drawings are done.
The Last Pimple
Story here.
Moonlight Hitcher
That guy doesn't look like a pimp to me, but then again I don't have any familiarly with that industry beyond what I occasionally see walking by in Belltown.
I'm sorry... did you say something?
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